Free Enriched Nurse E-Book!

Hey! I made an E-Book to give you some free insight into my way of thinking and actionable tips you can put to use today. Inside I explain how to calculate net-worth, debt ratio, savings rate, and how to analyze expenses.  My Podcast, The Enriched Nurse has a five part mini series “How the Nursing Process Can Help you Make a Personal Financial Care Plan to put you on the path to wealth.  This ebook can be used as a companion to the show! 

You can download The Enriched Nurse Starter Kit E-Book for free by subscribing or at The Enriched Nurse School Here.  The Starter Kit E-Book has a summary of each of the Enriched Nursing Process steps, a printable financial tracker with equations and comparables, and much more! 

I also introduce myself and explain why I created The Enriched Nurse.  Plus, I explain The Enriched Philosophy and Enriched Manifesto.  Work Less and Live More, Rediscover your dream career today.